[Adoption Story] Wildt Family

Hillary and Jonathan Wildt each felt led to the idea of adoption even before they found each other. After they were married, done with grad school, and feeling ready for parenthood, they worked to prepare their house, their hearts, and their extended family for the realities of adoption. The process led them to welcoming three biological siblings as their children. Now two years into their parenthood journey, they share the challenges they face, including attachment issues and managing expectations, but also the joy of certainty that they were meant to be together.


Resources Hillary & Jonathan found helpful:

In On It by Elisabeth O’Toole (book used for family wine & cheese adoption book discussion)

Parenting from the inside out

The Whole Brain Child

The Connected Child

The Connected Parent

Dancing with a Porcupine: Parenting wounded children without losing your self.

Raising Human Beings

The Raising Devon Blog


Hillary & Jonathan Wildt, pre-parenting days

produced by Zach Van Dyke

transcription by Ryan Van Dyke


God’s Heart for Adoption: A Conversation with Dr. Russell Moore


[Adoption Story] Joy & Myah